SoftNAS Releases First Cloud Computing Storage API and CLI for DevOps teams

Buurst Staff

SoftNAS has released the first cloud computing storage API and CLI for DevOps teams using Amazon’s EC2 and VMware platforms.

SoftNAS adoption on cloud computing platforms, like Amazon Web Services’ EC2 platform, has been steadily accelerating through Q4 2013 and early here in 2014. One of the things we’re seeing more and more are DevOps organizations in larger companies adopting SoftNAS. As a result, more development shops are looking to incorporate SoftNAS into their entire DevOps process – from Development all the way through QA Test and into Production as a common storage platform.

At the same time, DevOps is automating everything possible, including deployment of the IT infrastructure, to create truly “elastic” systems that expand to deal with demand on the fly during peak periods of traffic, then automatically contract down during non-business hours to minimize operating costs. This is the promise of the cloud – get as much capacity as you need, when you need it, and only pay for what you use. At the same time, the ability to quickly spin up a new QA test or development system makes agile development and testing more efficient and less labor-intensive.

Given that shared storage is a key part of the IT infrastructure for cloud computing, a way to include SoftNAS in CloudFormation templates, Auto-scaling groups, and other cloud computing automation systems is critical, especially for Amazon Web Services customers.

To meet these demands of DevOps and cloud computing operators, SoftNAS has introduced the first cloud storage API and CLI for its flagship SoftNAS product line. The API provides access to the same robust storage administration and management functionality provided by the SoftNAS StorageCenter  GUI, through REST API calls and a simple command-line interface.

The API and CLI support adding EBS and S3 cloud disk devices to SoftNAS, creating and expanding storage pool capacity on the fly, adding new volumes and making them available as NFS and CIFS shares – without direct human intervention. In fact, 95% of everything that can be done via the StorageCenter GUI can now be accomplished using the API or CLI, as well. And the API and CLI are available across all SoftNAS supported virtualization platforms, including AWS and VMware.

This makes SoftNAS the obvious best choice as the cloud computing storage platform for DevOps teams.

Read more about the API and CLI here

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